


JavaScript 的 Event

EventElements affectedWhat starts this event?
onabortImageinterruption of image loading (user has clicked on another link or STOP in the browser)
onblurButton, Checkbox, FileUpload, Frame, Layer, Password, Radio, Reset, Select, Submit, Text, Textarea, Windowwhen element loses focus (another element is selected)
onchangeFileUpload, Select, Text, Textareachange of data inside an element
onclickButton, Document, Checkbox, Link, Radio, Reset, Submitclick on an element
ondblclickArea, Document, Linkdouble click on an element
ondragdropFrame, Windowdrag and drop of a shortcut or a file to the browser window
onerrorFrame, Image, Windowerror in the script or while loading an image (e.g. image not found)
onfocusButton, Checkbox, FileUpload, Frame, Layer, Password, Radio, Reset, Select, Submit, Text, Textarea, Windowwhen an element gets focus (opposite of onblur)
onkeydownDocument, Image, Link, Textareapressing down a key on the keyboard
onkeypressDocument, Image, Link, Textareapressing (and releasing) a key on the keyboard
onkeyupDocument, Image, Link, Textareareleasing a key on the keyboard
onloadFrame, Image, Layer, Windowend of loading
onmousedownButton, Document, Linkpressing mouse button
onmouseoutArea, Layer, Linkmouse pointer exiting the element’s area
onmouseoverArea, Layer, Linkmouse pointer moving over an element
onmouseupButton, Document, Linkreleasing mouse button
onmoveFrame, Windowwindow or frame moving
onresetFormresetting the form
onresizeFrame, Windowchanging size of a window or a frame
onselectTextareaselecting text
onsubmitFormsubmitting a form
onunloadFrame, Windowunloading a document (leaving the page or closing the window)
